Ten Easy Ways to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
Did you know that more than one-third of adults have a disorder that multiplies their risk for type 2 diabetes
The Truth About Heart Attacks
Many believe due to their young age, they may not be at risk for a heart attack, but a new
How to Build a Healthy Heart Right in Your Kitchen
Herbs and spices have been used in making delicious meals and in medicine for over a thousand years. There has
The Unfamiliar Truths About Heart Disease and Women
Doctors are unprepared, and women can’t believe it! Did you know heart disease kills more women than any other disease
Never Assume It’s Not Your Thyroid
Thyroid problems can mimic disease throughout the body. This makes it sneaky and hard to detect without a high index
Have You Heard About Functional Medicine Breakthroughs in Preserving Cognition?
It’s both exciting and frustrating when you learn that the majority of what you have been taught about a subject
Three Power Foods Not to Miss – Let Food Be Your Medicine
What’s a power food anyway? Is it what people eat at power lunches? Or is it just the latest form
SURPRISE: There is a 15-17 Year Gap Between Discovery and Medical Practice – BUT THERE DOESN’T HAVE TO BE!
It turns out that many if not most significant advances in science take 15-17 years to make their way into