Dr. Sheeler and Dr. O’Neil practiced Family Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota for 20 years. They have practiced in smaller towns prior to their time at Mayo. Their training and experience in Family Medicine range from staffing an emergency room in a small town alone to coordinating care with multiple specialists in large tertiary referral medical centers. While at Mayo Clinic as Medical School Faculty they both trained physicians in many specialties who now practice throughout the country.
They have each have found it extremely rewarding to know their patients as individuals and to learn about their lives in the context of each patients extended families and support networks. They have even had the joy of caring for grandparents, parents, children and their children’s children as patients all together as multiple generations of the same family. How sweet is that.

You are never “the gallbladder in Room 4” or “the migraine in Room 2” at Next Level Concierge. You are someone we know and care about. You are someone that we want to do everything possible to help with your medical concerns.
Both Dr. Sheeler and Dr. O’Neil have extensive experience managing both acute and chronic medical conditions ranging from headache to toe fractures. Their practice includes a broad spectrum of medicine. They are focused on understanding what works best for many different medical problems with the least side effects.
They want their patients to be as involved in the decisions about diagnostic and treatment strategies as they wish to be. The more interested you are in participating the more likely your outcomes will be the best that can be achieved in relation to your personal goals.