Three Reasons to Choose Next Level Concierge

At Next Level Concierge, we work to create a focus on your health delivered in the ways most suited to your priorities and your style. We take a limited number of patients compared to other practices which allows us to know you better and customize the care you get to your wants and needs.

Doctors in most traditional medical practices have 2000-2500 patients. Most concierge doctors have 400-600 patients per doctor. At Next Level Concierge we have 100-150 patients per doctor.

The three cornerstones of what makes us unique are:

  2. BEST OF BOTH – Traditional Western Medicine and Integrative/Functional Medicine Approaches
  3. LEADING EDGE MEDICINE UPDATES AND PERSPECTIVE – Updates on developments in medicine customized and delivered to you.

Personalized Precision Medicine

At Next Level Concierge, we first want to get to know you and understand your health concerns and priorities. We used advanced biomarkers and imaging to get a comprehensive view of your overall health. About 70% of our patients do Genomic testing that allows us to target specific pathways to modify their long-term health outcomes.

We use nutritional and lifestyle approaches as a foundation. On top of that, we use Rx pharmaceuticals and Natural Medicine supplements to optimize your biomarkers, your energy, your stamina, and overall wellbeing. We believe in mind-body-spirit approaches to medicine and allow you to guide the approach to using what elements you want as part of your medical care.

By using advanced testing and looking for early-stage trends, we can help you identify problems before you have symptoms. Early-stage prevention is key to optimizing health and preventing symptomatic disease.

Best of Both

At Next Level Concierge, we combine the best of both Traditional Western Medicine and Integrative/Functional Medicine. The choice is yours. Many of our patients want a blend of the two, while others have a strong preference for one or the other approach.

We are both traditionally trained M.D.s and spent the majority of our career together at Mayo Clinic in Rochester where we cared for patients and families over time. We both taught extensively at Mayo Medical School. Dr. Sheeler also taught neuropharmacology and became a Headache Specialist.

Both of us studied Integrative and Functional Medicine extensively. Dr. O’Neil completed Andrew Weil’s Integrative Medicine fellowship in Tucson. Both of us certified in Integrative and Functional Medicine based on the additional training we did.

We believe that every therapy, whether it is a surgical procedure, a new pharmaceutical product or a supplement should be analyzed through a lens that considers a number of factors including:

  • Safety
  • Effectiveness
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Availability
  • Reimbursement

Working with our patients on an individual basis we weigh each of these factors higher or lower for any type of treatment. This helps us come to the choice that is most suited to their situation and their personal philosophy and preferences.

Dr. Sheeler was the Medical Editor of Mayo Clinic Health Letter for 20 years. Over this time, he developed a keen eye for evolving trends. Dr. Sheeler and O’Neil work together to stay on top of the latest evolving trends.


For our patients we generate PUSH INFORMATION from our constant study and review of medical literature. We are both lifelong learners and love to explore and delve into understanding new testing and treatment options. Push information is material that we created and send to our members periodically on everything from White Papers where we might review a topic such as Ways to Optimize and Preserve Cognition Over Time to a Review of The Risks and of Over the Counter and Natural Pain Relievers.


Pull information is data that we research for our patients on an individual basis. This might include digging for information on a rare type of cancer diagnosis one of our patients receives to a comparison of several new drugs for diabetes. Pull information is data that we mine for our individual patients in relation to their health issues and concerns.

Our unique skills and breadth of study give us a broad-based background from which to provide added value for each of our patients.